Public Call for Expert Commission for evaluation of project proposals submitted to the Public Call for Strengthening the innovation of newly established or existing micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

The Innovation Fund of Montenegro is announcing a Public Call for Expert Commission for evaluation of project proposals submitted to the Public Call for Strengthening the innovation of newly established or existing micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.   Project applications are open to all natural persons and to all scientific, technological, and industrial fields.  …

Fund partner in the new ERASMUS+ project IoT ECO

The Innovation Fund of Montenegro participates as an associate partner in the ERASMUS+ project “IoT Green Transformation for Academic Society and Business Oriented Ecosystem in Western Balkans – IoT ECO” financed  within the ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2 program.  Kick off meeting – the official opening of the IOT-ECO project was orginized at the Technical University in Sofia on…


Thirty-three teams from the Western Balkans region participated in this year’s EIT Jumpstarter program (, eight of which were from Montenegro. According to the rules of the program, five teams from the Western Balkans region could participate in the final, among which, for the first time this year, two teams were from Montenegro. Montenegrin startup…

Educational workshops “Robotics for kids”

The Innovation Fund organized educational workshops “Robotics for kids” in elementary schools “Štampar Makarije”, “Maksim Gorki”, “Sutjeska” and ” Savo Pejanović”.   This workshops is designed for ages 5 to 7, and the goal is to explain the basics of robotics to the youngest by learning through play, encourage critical thinking and problem solving skills.…

Open days during July and August

The Innovation Fund will organize online info sessions (open days) for call for Collaborative Grants for Innovation from July 27 until September 27. 2022. at 11:00 a.m. every Wednesday. During open days management team of Innovation Fund will answer to question of all interested applicants and explain conditions and details of the Collaborative Grants for…

Public call for enrollment in the register of evaluators of the Innovation Fund of Montenegro

The Innovation Fund of Montenegro is announcing a Public Call for the purpose of establishing an electronic register of evaluators for providing support in the process of evaluation (selection) and monitoring of the implementation of innovation and research and development projects financed by the Fund. The mentioned support of the evaluator refers to all the…